Then how to make Outlook PST 2010 file workable? Viruses may damage internal structure of Outlook 2010 file and you will be presented with error message which stops you from importing PST 2010 file. Another reason for getting importing error in Outlook PST 2010 file could be virus attack. Due to this reason Microsoft Outlook 2010 has failed to import PST file. When your system gets shut down due to any reason then header of PST 2010 file will be corrupted. The root cause for this issue could be interruption like power surge or unexpected system shut down while importing PST 2010 file in Outlook application. But situation like above might encounter when you try to import PST file in Outlook 2010. Even though 2013 version of Outlook has been launched, users still prefer using MS Outlook 2010. Microsoft Outlook 2010 is the well-known application to manage emails and other items. Kindly someone help me to remove this error message from Outlook 2010”. However, when I tried to import PST 2010 file into my system, I got a message that ‘error importing pst file into outlook 2010. Now my computer is working fine without any issues and I have copied entire data into it. I have the backup of entire files except PST so I backed up PST file and formatted my system.

When I have discussed about this with my friend, he suggested me to format the drive. “My system’s speed was reduced tremendously due to virus infection.